III. Gardens 4 All
Hamburg DE | 2008
In direct vicinity to the temporary garden near the Wilhelmsburg rapid transit station, Steinman, together with the Intercultural Garden, organized a planting action on a raised flower bed that is part of the city greens. Together with passers-by and residents who had been invited by leaflet, they sowed radishes and cress or planted butterfly bushes and herbs. With this concrete action, Steinman wanted to demonstrate that gardening is possible almost anywhere, even without owning any land. For her, gardening also means communication and inspiration beyond its practical benefits: everyone should have a garden and gardening is possible anywhere–if all else fails, even in a box or in the drawers of a discarded dresser.
Haarmann, Ake, & Lemke, Harald. “Culture/Nature
Art and Philosophy In The Context Of Urban Development.”